Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lviv'n la Vida Loca!

Last weekend 6 antsy teachers made for a quick weekend getaway to the Kyiv's patriotic, western neighbour...Lviv. With a 'mere' 10 weeks separating xmas break and March break, and suffering through post-xmas reports (and a week of jetlag) we were all ready for a taste of something new, and Lviv was just what the doctor ordered.

We were greeted by beautiful buildings, cobblestone roads, and a late-night McDonalds which helped us get through the first night after arriving at 10:30pm without supper. Unlike Kiev, the place shuts down early so the nightlife was hard to find. But it compensated with block upon block of narrow cobble-stone streets, beautiful old churches, and delicious cafe's. It could be compared to Western Europe, although there was something more genuine about Lviv, that helped it keep its 'Ukrainian' character.

We indulged in pastries at "Cafe Veronika" and strolled aimlessly down side streets with each turn surprising us with unique sights and sounds.

"Veronika Cafe"

ENJOYING... marengue-cherry pie, Cafe Latte, and pretending to be married - European style - to Rob (note matching wedding rings)

Church-yard graffiti

Oldest church in Lviv (it's difficult to see, but at the top is a jesus figure sitting in a 'pondering' position much like the infamous "Thinker"...very avant-guard for an old my opinion)

I asked this woman (in Russian! Yes after 7 months i can finally communicate) if I could take her picture and she got very excited and flustered...especially when i showed her afterwards and said she was "ochen ochen Krasivaya" (very very beautiful!)

"Zapovit" - famous poem by Ukrainian Poet: Taras Schevchenko

This link ( has an english translation of the poem, which called for "a rise in revolt for Ukrainians to obtain their freedom"

Monument of Taras Shevchenko

old man in fur hat (Shapka)

Giant Nativity February

street trumpeter/accordian-player/singer

Our favourite Cafe "One"

"Lvivske" beer: Lviv's favourite drink

The weekend was short but sweet, and gave us a preview for just how diverse this beautiful country is! Can't wait to explore southern Ukraine (and the Crimean war) in just 4 more weeks!

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